Why Early Orthodontic Treatment Is Important

March 2, 2019 - By Bruce Michaelson
Why Early Orthodontic Treatment Is Important

When you think about taking your child to the orthodontist, you probably want to wait till they are in their pre-teen years. But an orthodontic checkup for a young child is beneficial to them.

While it is important to take steps to protect their oral health through regular brushing and flossing, taking your child for a yearly visit for cleaning is also important. Here’s why.

A pediatric dentist has the expertise and experience to identify if your child has potential bite problems, and they might even refer your child for further care. Your child may not have early bite issues, however, it matters that you take them for an official checkup because it is not only bite issues that can be a problem in young children.

Children can visit an orthodontist in Dubai starting from the age of seven. Simply because your child’s teeth appear to look fine it doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is as it should be. A pediatric orthodontist is trained to detect oral problems in young children. And your child may have a problem that only a trained pediatric orthodontist is able to identify.

Initial orthodontic treatment will address bite problems in children. When these problems are detected early on it gives your child a good chance for healthy oral development. It also allows the orthodontist to take their time with the treatment process because of the child’s natural development. This minimizes the length of treatment your child may need to have as an adult.

Early orthodontic treatment addresses oral concerns including harmful oral habits, biting and chewing, lowering the risk of protruded front teeth and improving their appearance. In addition, regular checkups will be beneficial for children with overcrowded teeth, missing teeth, crossbites, open bites and deep bites.

For example, a pediatric orthodontist may recommend using a temporary retainer to guide their jaw growth and enable adequate spacing for the child’s teeth. When parents proactively intervene in your child when they are younger it can be the difference between crooked teeth and an evenly spaced out, straight smile.

If you want to give your child the best opportunity to have a beautiful and healthy smile, early orthodontic treatment matters. What is better is it may reduce the need for costly treatment in the future.

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