How Can The Root Canal Treatment Deal With Pulp Inflammation?

April 8, 2021 - By Bruce Michaelson

Root canal treatment is also called endodontic treatment, and it involves removing infected and inflamed tissue from inside the tooth canal. Within the tooth and under the layer of enamel and dentin,  there exists a soft tissue known as pulp. So what is pulpitis? The inflammation of this soft tissue of your teeth is known as pulpitis. This tissue has blood vessels and nerves, which, when inflamed, can cause an uncomfortable sensation. The pulp within each tooth is important for the growth and maturing of the teeth, but sometimes a tooth can survive without the need for the pulp, as it can get the required nourishment from surrounding teeth. The root canal treatment is performed by a dentist when the inflammation in the pulp causes pain to the patient. In this procedure, the infected pulp is removed completely and filled with a sealant that stops saliva from damaging the canal.

Structure Of The Teeth

A tooth is essentially made of two main parts: the crown (visible white portion) and the root anchored in the jawbone. The other main components of teeth are the enamel, the outer layer, dentin, and cementum. An important substance at the core of each tooth is the dental pulp contained in the root canal. It is also possible for one tooth to have multiple root canals.

Symptoms & Indicators

When the patient reaches American Dental Clinic and shows symptoms of severe infection or inflammation of the dental pulp, performing a root canal treatment is necessary. If this condition is left without pulp infection treatment, it will lead to the formation of abscesses within the tooth that cause severe pain and sometimes loss in the strength of the tooth. After the successful procedure, the patients will be able to chew normally, and it will also show a better aesthetic profile than alternative measures like dental implants.

The major symptoms of pulp infection are pain when eating and drinking hot or cold food and beverages. A patient might also experience severe pain when chewing or biting food and may also find that the affected tooth becomes loose. When the infection has reached a more advanced level, there might also be swelling of the face and discolouration of the tooth.

Causes of Pulpitis

Pulpitis is the dental pulp’s inflammation, the innermost part of a tooth containing nerves and blood vessels. There are several causes of pulpitis:

  1. Dental Decay (Caries):

Bacterial infection is caused by the accumulation of plaque and tartar on teeth. Acidic byproducts from bacteria lead to enamel erosion and cavities, reaching the pulp.

  1. Trauma:

Physical injury to the tooth, such as a fracture or impact, can damage the pulp. Trauma can disrupt the blood supply to the pulp, leading to inflammation.

  1. Infection:

Bacterial or viral infections in the oral cavity can penetrate the tooth, causing pulp inflammation. Untreated cavities can allow bacteria to reach the pulp and initiate an infection.

  1. Faulty Dental Restorations:

Poorly fitting or damaged dental fillings or crowns can allow bacteria to enter and irritate the pulp. Improper dental procedures may also contribute to pulpitis.

  1. Genetic Factors:

Genetic predisposition may increase susceptibility to dental problems, including pulpitis.

  1. Repetitive Dental Procedures:

Repeated dental treatments or extensive dental work on a tooth can lead to irritation and inflammation of the pulp.

  1. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding):

It is very much possible to get pulpitis from grinding teeth. Persistent teeth grinding can wear down the enamel, making the tooth more vulnerable to bacterial invasion and pulpitis.

  1. Chemical Irritants:

Exposure to certain chemicals, such as those in some dental products, can irritate the pulp and contribute to inflammation.

  1. Impacted Teeth:

Impacted or partially erupted teeth can create spaces where bacteria accumulate, leading to pulpitis.

  1. Systemic Conditions:

Some systemic conditions, like diabetes, may affect oral health and increase the risk of pulpitis.

Maintaining good oral hygiene, attending regular dental check-ups to get pulp infection treatment, and promptly addressing any dental issues to prevent the development of pulpitis is essential.

Root Canal Procedure

So if you’re wondering, “Does a root canal remove the pulp?”, yes. Let us understand the procedure in detail for better understanding. 

The first step to performing the root canal in Duabi is when the dentist takes an x-ray of the inflicted tooth to know how to proceed. After this, a local anaesthetic is administered so as not to feel any pain during the procedure. Special care is taken to ensure that saliva does not interfere with the treatment through a dental dam. The dental specialist then uses a drill to open the tooth from the crown and examine the pulp. So, what is pulp in the root canal? It is the soft tissue present at the centre of the tooth. The dental pulp, which is infected and inflamed, is completely removed from the root canal in the next step. The root canal is filled with a compatible material, and dental cement seals the opening. Finally, a temporary filling is used to cover the opening; subsequently, a permanent filling and crown can be done. If you want to book a professional consultation for Root Canal Treatment in Dubai

Visit ADC today.

Follow Up Measures

After completing the root canal treatment in Abu Dhabi, it is common to have discomfort in the tooth for 2-3 days. It is possible to return to normal daily activities after the root canal treatment, but the patient is encouraged not to chew with the tooth on which the root canal has been done. The dentist will advise you to visit the dental clinic in Dubai or Abu Dhabi periodically, where the specialist will ensure that the infection has not returned. Maintaining good hygiene practices by bruising and flossing after meals is important to take care of the teeth.

American Dental Clinic has highly skilled professional dentists with expertise in managing tooth infections and performing root canal treatments. Visit our clinic to detect any damage to the dental pulp at an early stage and intervene through surgery to repair the damaged tooth.


FAQs: Pulp Removal From Tooth Pain

Does a root canal remove the pulp?

Yes, a root canal involves removing the infected and inflamed pulp from the tooth canal.

Is pulp removed during the root canal?

Yes, the infected pulp is completely removed during the root canal procedure.

How do you treat inflamed tooth pulp?

The inflamed tooth pulp is treated through a root canal procedure. The infected pulp is removed, and the canal is sealed to prevent further damage. Visit dental hospitals in Dubai and consult a professional in case of any advice or treatment.

Can an inflamed tooth nerve heal?

No, once the dental pulp is inflamed, the nerve cannot heal. A root canal removes the damaged pulp to alleviate pain and prevent infection.

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