Beautiful Smile For Today And Tomorrow

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Aesthetic Inlays / Onlays

Aesthetic inlays / onlays are the common preference now over traditional amalgam filling. Many people are choosing to replace their fillings with natural-colored inlays and onlays for aesthetic reasons.

An inlay or onlay is a type of material which is placed inside or over the surface of a decayed or damaged tooth and are seen as a good alternative to a crown. Placed to cover the top surface of the tooth, they are made from a variety of materials which resembles the natural color of your own teeth to make it more visually attractive.

Case Studies


I wanted a simple solution for my slightly worn out teeth. My dentist at ADC recommended an Overlay, which worked perfectly for me.
- Afrah Qureshi
Thanks a lot to my dentist and staff at ADC for helping me get a beautiful smile.
- Asma Maloof

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Advantages Of Aesthetic Inlays And Onlays?

The main benefit is that they fit in very well with the rest of your teeth. The material used is ‘tooth colored’ and has a realistic appearance, which is good news from a cosmetic point of view.

This procedure is often part of an overall ‘smile makeover’, in which various procedures are performed to enhance the appearance of teeth and provide a huge confidence boost.

There is no risk of the inlays and onlays becoming discolored over time. They are also easy to clean as part of a daily dental routine and provide extra support for a tooth.