This is the time of year children want to get lots and lots Halloween candy when they are out trick-or-treating and fill up their goody bags, explains the best Dentist in Dubai.
As a parent, you know that eating too much candy is bad for the child’s teeth, so Halloween does bring with it a few nightmares to all parents who worry about their children’s teeth.
The Pediatric Dentist in Dubai reminds parents at this time of the year that Halloween is a good time to teach your kids good oral health habits without depriving them of their Halloween candy. Here are some tips for parents to try this Halloween season to ensure that your child has healthy teeth for the rest of their lives
- Let the child enjoy their candy and sweet treats in moderation. This is one of the most popular holidays that children look forward to out of the whole year. Therefore, parents should not deny their children of this fun experience and candy is a very big part of the celebration. Don’t take away the kid’s candy as soon they are back home from trick or treating. They may then try to eat candy on the sly or sneak some out of their loot to enjoy at odd times and end up eating much more candy. The best thing is to let your kid’s enjoy the candy in moderation by going through their bag together and picking a few pieces they would like to eat at the time and put the rest away. Also encourage the child to donate it to a worthy cause instead of hiding them or throwing them away.
- Take this opportunity to talk to your child about sweets and the effect it has on their teeth. If your child didn’t listen to you before, now is the time to make them listen about taking care of their teeth and the damaging effects that too much candy can have on their teeth. Ideally, it’s best to take your child to the Dentist in abu Dhabi for a regular check and have the dentists also explain the effects that eating an excessive amount of candy and other sweet treats have on their teeth. This will help children learn about what affects their oral health and how they should be careful about what they eat, hearing this from a dentist makes it important to the child as well.
- Dedicate a time for sweet treats. Instead of letting your child have the candy they collect whenever they want, set a time for treats and also limit the number of sweets to just a few pieces. When children know that there is a time for them to enjoy their treats, they will stop eating candy whenever they want.
Also make sure to remind your child to brush and floss their teeth after they eat sweets. If the child is under 8years the parents should show them how to keep their teeth clean. Make brushing their teeth a fun time instead of a time that children dread, and in no time you will have an enthusiastic child wanting to brush their teeth after every meal.
The Dental Care wants their young patients to enjoy this fun time of the year and learn more about how to care for their teeth so they have smiles they can be proud of in the future.