As people age their teeth change, just like the rest of their bodies, says a Dentist in Abu Dhabi. Teeth shift and move over time due to many reasons that can or cannot be controlled.
Some of these reasons include tongue movements, lips pushing against the teeth, and how the teeth come together. Here is a look at some of the reasons that attempt to move the teeth,
- Tongue movement habits – An abnormal tongue thrust is very common among most people. The tongue places pressure on the teeth when eating, swallowing, and talking. This happens unconsciously and people don’t realize how often the tongue presses against the teeth. When swallowing, you will realize that the tongue presses against the upper teeth. This is not an issue for most people, but for people with a powerful tongue thrust, this can cause tooth movement over time.
- Lips pushing against the teeth – The force and pressure that the lips, apply to the teeth can cause them to move. An example of this is where the lower lip is tucked behind the upper teeth. Dental Clinic in Dubai observed this in small children and certain adults who bite their lips when they get nervous.
- Frenum Issues – The frena is the attachment between the lips and tongue to the gum tissues attached to the teeth. There is one inside the tongue called a lingual frenum. The other two are on the inside of the lips and is called a labial frenum. The lingual frenum will not affect the teeth, but affects eating, speech, and swallowing as it can constrict tongue movement. The labial frenum can play a part in moving the front two teeth apart. To alleviate this Dental Treatment in Dubai is necessary to remove the labial frenum surgically.
- Forces from the teeth – The teeth are under constant pressure from each other. Normally when you bite together, the teeth touch and rest in a certain position. This position is known as centric occlusion. Usually the top teeth oppose the bottom teeth and keep them in line, but this changes when there is tooth loss and there is an open space, and the teeth start to grow down slightly to fill in the space and the adjacent teeth to the lost tooth would start to lean in towards the empty gap.
- Genetics – Sometimes genetics play a big part in a person’s teeth and determine if a person’s teeth will be straight or not.
- Tooth decay – When tooth decay is not treated, the tooth will automatically break down change its shape and size and will result in the existing teeth shifting into that space.
- Age – With age the area between the teeth starts to wear away. When this happens, the enamel begins to thin out. And, because the lower teeth are thinner, they wear out much quicker and there is more wear and tear on the lower teeth, the less able they are to withstand the force of the top teeth when biting down. This results in the teeth shifting.