The Best To Worst- Ranking Foods That Greatly Affect Your Teeth

August 21, 2019 - By Bruce Michaelson
The Best To Worst- Ranking Foods That Greatly Affect Your Teeth

Food gives us sustenance to get us through the day. It’s the primary source of energy for us human beings. The fact is, everyone loves to eat, and we all have our preferences. Our food defines us and makes us the people we are today.

Whatever kind of food we consume will affect our bodies positively and negatively.

Sadly, many people are not concerned about what they eat. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this is true, especially for the 3.58 billion people around the world who suffer from Oral diseases.


A Window to Our Overall Health

You must have heard from your Orthodontist or Periodontist that a good set of teeth is a sign of good health. Our oral health is indeed a measure of our overall health and well-being. Our teeth provide an overview of how healthy we are, indicate our lifestyle and also look into the best and worst foods for your teeth.

It is important to know which foods are best and worst for our teeth to better understand how to care for our oral health. The worst foods for teeth include citric acid and sugar.


Worst Foods for Teeth

#1 Citrus-flavored and Sour Candies

Any type of candy, which may be chewy, gummy, or hard, is bad for your teeth. Candies come in a variety of flavors and the most popular ones usually have a huge amount of citric acid in them. Now is the time to consider limiting your purchase of Skittles and Starbursts.

Citric Acid and sugar are probably bad food for your teeth. While sugar promotes bacteria growth on singular patches of your mouth, Citric acid affects a wider tooth surface as it softens our teeth’s enamel and supports tooth decay through sugar and the bacteria feeding on it. These bacteria may cause gingivitis, which would cause you to make many trips to the Periodontist.

#2 Sugary and Acidic Beverages

Like certain foods mentioned above, the sugar and Citric acid combination can be found in drinks, too making it a bad food for your teeth. The acid found in sodas, energy drinks, and sports drinks is harmful to your oral health. It’s not a problem to consume these types of food once in a while, but having them frequently is bad.

 #3 Pickles

Pickles are excellent for your burger or sandwich, but eating them directly from the jar may cause trouble for your teeth.  A study from the British Dental Journal that observed over 2300 students in the UK found that pickles wore out the teeth more than any other kind of acidic food. Periodontists from across the country suggest that  If you love pickles, it is better to eat them in a single sitting rather than having them at different times of the day as it is included in the list of bad foods for teeth.

#4 Dried Fruits

Though most dried fruits have no added sugar, they still contain a high amount of fructose, a type of sugar naturally found in fruits and vegetables. Sugar inhibits bacterial growth, not to mention the small pieces of dried fruit that may be stuck between your teeth after eating it.


Best Foods for Teeth

#1 Fiber-rich Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables rich in water and fibre help balance the sugar they contain. Fibre-rich foods also help clean gums and teeth. Several studies confirm that children and adults who consume a high percentage of Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables have fewer visits to the Periodontist.

#2 Crunchy Vegetables

Munching on crunchy vegetables like Celery and Carrots promotes the production of saliva.

Saliva is your body’s way of cleaning your mouth. It helps dilute acid and keep tissues in your mouth healthy. The next time you want to munch on something, crunch on Celery, Carrots, or Cucumbers.

#3 Dairy

Dairy is rich in calcium, which is important for bone health and teeth. Cheese contains Casein, a protein that reinforces and protects teeth’s enamel. When eating yoghurt, choose unsweetened, unflavored ones, then add your fresh fruit or vegetables.

#4 Fatty Fish

Good Fat can be found in omega-3-rich fish like Salmon and Sardines. Omega-3-rich fish often contain a high level of Vitamin D as well. This Vitamin helps absorb Calcium and phosphorus, which help strengthen teeth. If you’re not fond of eating fish, some supplements provide a source of Omega-3.

We must be mindful of anything we consume. Considering our health when choosing which food to eat must be a priority. There are plenty of ways to enjoy healthy food. If you’re looking to improve your Oral Health or treatments like teeth whitening or dental cleaning in Dubai, you can always ask advice from our team of Orthodontists and Periodontists. As one of the best dental clinics in Abu Dhabi and Dubai we have the best team of experts and personalised treatment as per your requirements.


FAQs: Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

What are the worst foods for teeth?

Sugary snacks, acidic beverages, and sticky candies are the worst foods for teeth. Understanding these bad foods for teeth is crucial for maintaining optimal dental health and preventing decay.

What are the best foods for teeth?

The best foods for teeth are calcium-rich dairy products, crunchy fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins. Incorporating these into your diet alongside avoiding bad foods for teeth promotes strong, healthy teeth and gums.

Why are certain foods considered bad for your teeth?

Certain foods are deemed bad for your teeth due to their high sugar or acid content, which is the worst thing for your teeth and contributes to tooth decay and erosion. By understanding the impact of bad foods on teeth, individuals can make informed dietary choices to support dental health


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